Import A TXT File Where The Separator Is Missing In A Column To Excel

Import A TXT File Where The Separator Is Missing In A Column To Excel

Problem description & analysis:

We have a comma-separated txt file that has a total of 10 columns. As certain values of the 3rd column do not have separators, that column is missing and the corresponding rows only have 9 columns, as shown in the last rows:

01-0104-0133,MAYO, RONIE #2,202403,2024-03-21 22:51:43.000,1449.49,0.00,0.00,08,6CC6BDAC7E45 17-1782-0203,DANIELES, ESTELA # 3,202403,2024-03-21 22:04:16.000,2379.40,0.00,0.00,08,7C4D66134652 17-1782-0297,DANIELES, ESTELA # 2,202403,2024-03-21 22:33:34.000,886.61,0.00,0.00,08,C93BF124DE14 04-0408-0500,DE LA CENA, JOSE JR.,202403,2024-03-21 21:18:04.000,3125.80,0.00,0.00,08,136E4D2959BA 17-1741-0521,SEVERINO, JOSE JR.,202403,2024-03-21 21:10:48.000,1694.19,0.00,0.00,08,BB1F0814A58F 17-1744-0310,FUENTES, FERNANDO SR.,202403,2024-03-21 15:00:49.000,1828.77,0.00,0.00,08,310EAE3D6DBB 15-1522-0095,LUCERNA, JAIME SR.,202403,2024-03-21 08:21:23.000,2195.88,0.00,0.00,08,79D83EC0F51D 01-0120-0137,THE CORNERSTONE BIBLE BAPTIST,,202403,2024-03-21 20:36:25.000,225.07,0.00,0.00,08,B6D7B504AE79 14-1403-0361,PALAWAN PAWNSHOP,202403,2024-03-21 08:59:51.000,4601.33,0.00,0.00,08,9BD6BD131E9C 03-0302-0481,M. LHULLIER PAWNSHOP,202403,2024-03-21 13:22:17.000,4236.66,0.00,0.00,08,6DB91200E2E6

We need to import the txt file to an Excel file. If the 3rd column is missing, use space to fill it and then sort rows by the 1st column:

301-0104-0133MAYORONIE #22024032024-03-21 22:51:43.0001449.490086CC6BDAC7E45
401-0120-0137THE CORNERSTONE BIBLE BAPTIST2024032024-03-21 20:36:25.000225.07008B6D7B504AE79
503-0302-0481M. LHULLIER PAWNSHOP2024032024-03-21 13:22:17.0004236.660086DB91200E2E6
604-0408-0500DE LA CENAJOSE JR.2024032024-03-21 21:18:04.0003125.8008136E4D2959BA
714-1403-0361PALAWAN PAWNSHOP2024032024-03-21 08:59:51.0004601.330089BD6BD131E9C
815-1522-0095LUCERNAJAIME SR.2024032024-03-21 08:21:23.0002195.8800879D83EC0F51D
917-1741-0521SEVERINOJOSE JR.2024032024-03-21 21:10:48.0001694.19008BB1F0814A58F
1017-1744-0310FUENTESFERNANDO SR.2024032024-03-21 15:00:49.0001828.77008310EAE3D6DBB
1117-1782-0203DANIELESESTELA # 32024032024-03-21 22:04:16.0002379.40087C4D66134652
1217-1782-0297DANIELESESTELA # 22024032024-03-21 22:33:34.000886.61008C93BF124DE14


Use SPL XLL to enter the following formula:


As shown in the picture below:



import()function reads the text file; @c option enables using commas as the separator and @w option reads data as a sequence of sequences. ~ represents the current row. insert() function inserts a member at a specified position.

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Plugin Installation Method: SPL XLL Installation and Configuration

References to other rich Excel operation cases: Desktop and Excel Data Processing Cases

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